Thursday, August 31, 2006

Time to go-go-go

Today I shall stop moping. No more sleeping in, nodding off, drifting aimlessly round the apartment, consumed with ennui; no more watching bland films I've seen before and grinding my teeth at commercial breaks that I know are part of the deal, doing endless sudoku puzzles, losing endless Spider Solitaire games, ignoring housework, postponing workwork, fretting about stuff I should be doing (but not doing it), and generally being a complete bore.

Back to work on Sunday (since Sunday is the new Saturday, or - if you don't live here and have no idea what I'm talking about - the new Monday, because our weekend is changing from Thursday and Friday to Friday and Saturday - got it?). Back to the bells, timetables and structure I had had enough of in June, but now crave. Back to people - colleagues and kids - I haven't seen for weeks. Back to projects and deadlines, and all that stuff that gives focus and momentum to my life here. Thank you, that will do me.


nzm said...

Have fun going back to school!

Kate Walker said...

Good luck with the new school year. I know what you mean about needing order and structure. Always felt that the auntuumn was more of a 'new year' time than January. I'm going to be focussing too - a new book deadline of October 31st concentrates the mind wonderfully.