Friday, May 26, 2006

R.T. Part Deux

I think Blogger's having an off day. I tried to include 'Zeus'

and 'Melisande' from Erté.com,

and 'Broadway in Fashion'

from Progressive Art Media,

but they wouldn't load, and when I published, the end of the post got chopped off. Twice. Are they trying to tell me something? One more try on pics and links, because these are definitely worth seeing! ......................tumtitum..... .......upload pics...... .......just talk amongst yourselves....... ......Whoopdidoo! See - told you they were Fab!

And if you want to see more, just follow the links! I recommend the image pages as well. I think when I'm done with this, I'm going to do a page of 'inspired by's', because I've found fascinating original work inspired by palaeolithic art, Escher, and Erté, as well as the ancient Assyrians, Phoenicians, etc etc etc. This is fun! :D

(I like these punctuation thingies! ;P)

OK. I'm going now....... Bye......... See ya..... GONE!

1 comment:

samuraisam said...

blogspot is a regular pain;
I recommend writing, editing, and saving posts in MS Word.

You can even get a plugin for MS word that will publish posts directly to here

The only downside is that it doesn't do tables or images, but they are easy to add after posting.