Wednesday, June 21, 2006

last day of term

This is our last day of term. There are people criss-crossing outside my window, but the clusters have broken up, and the numbers have dwindled under the onslaught of an astonishing surge of humidity. I'm lurking here in air-conditioned solitude, watching the stragglers drift off. I love these kids. I'm glad it's over, but I shall also be glad to see them again in September. I don't know how I'll feel this time next year.

We've had a half day, finishing with an assembly with awards and speeches - much more relaxed than the usual assemblies through the year. Students and teachers have been hugging each other, laughing and teasing, all so ready for a break, but also not quite believing that we won't all be here again next week. Not possible after a year together!

In fact, we teachers have another week to go, and I have a ton of stuff I want to get done before the end, but right now I've caught the holiday mood from the kids.

Coffee and sudoku, I think, to restart brain and motivation. This afternoon's project: the preliminary theatre use calendar for next year. Our theatre is used so heavily by Primary, Junior and High School for productions, concerts, presentations, music and drama lessons, drama assessments, assemblies and staff meetings, that it is necessary to be able to book a period, a break, a lunch, or time after school and weekends; and then there are outside bookings. My, we are busy little bees!

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