First stop, El Papel Protagonista. The what? Well papel can mean role, as well as paper, and protagonista, well, you know...
And for those who really like to know these things, I give you the Diccionario Espasa concise inglés-español © 2000 Espasa Calpe:
papel sustantivo masculino
1 paper
papel de aluminio, aluminium foil
papel de fumar, cigarette paper
papel de lija, sandpaper
papel higiénico, toilet paper
Fin papel moneda, paper money, banknotes pl; papel pintado,wallpaper
2 (trozo, hoja) piece o sheet of paper
3 (documento) document
4 Cine Teat role, part *
5 (función, cometido) role
6 papeles, (documentación) documents, identification papers
♦ Locuciones: perder los papeles, to lose one's self-control, ser algo papel mojado, to be useless
1 paper
papel de aluminio, aluminium foil
papel de fumar, cigarette paper
papel de lija, sandpaper
papel higiénico, toilet paper
Fin papel moneda, paper money, banknotes pl; papel pintado,wallpaper
2 (trozo, hoja) piece o sheet of paper
3 (documento) document
4 Cine Teat role, part *
5 (función, cometido) role
6 papeles, (documentación) documents, identification papers
♦ Locuciones: perder los papeles, to lose one's self-control, ser algo papel mojado, to be useless
So, a friend invited us to a dinner party last weekend, inspired by The Frida Kahlo Cookbook. No, I didn't know that she could cook either, and in fact, it turns out that she couldn't, until her husband's ex-wife taught her... Imagine the publisher's dilemma - The Lupe Who(?) Cookbook or... Anyway, mine hostess cooked a delicious meal, which included chicken in a piquant mole sauce (as in guaca-, not Badger, Ratty, Toad & -), chicken in chocolate sauce (uhuh), savoury rice, and a black bean and tofu salad suffused with coriander and swirled in a deep glass bowl.
Delicious. One chicken would have been enough, but everyone wanted some of both! So if you're a fan of Mexican food or Frida Kahlo, and you see Frida's Fiestas: Recipes and Reminiscences of Life with Frida Kahlo in the bookshop, go right ahead.
And - another guest brought the perfect gift for mine hostess. This,
from El Papel Protagonista, in Plaza Santa María Soledad Torres Acosta, 2 (yes, all one address) opposite Callao. It is also the perfect gift for another friend, so off I went. The tiniest shop, with the most delectable selection of gift wrap - both paper and fabric - and stationery that you could imagine. And the owner really looks after his customers. Love it! (And the Chinese shop next door is worth a visit too - wood carvings as well as kitsch, and friendly, helpful staff.)
If you like paperdolls, here be treasure.
Next stop, Panta Rhei, an excellent graphic arts bookshop with, unfortunately a half-broken website. On c/ Hernán Cortés, between c/ Hortaleza and c/ Fuencarral. This shop is fantastic, with a basement level too. Lots of good stuff, and, again, helpful staff.
I didn't get my Charley Harper, though they had a very good selection, because it came to a choice between these,
and this!
1 comment:
awesome. We have yet to find a good stationery shop in Barcelona. The wedding invitation planning and designing drove us nuts. ;.)
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